PROCEDURE FOR MEASURING ATTAINMENT OF COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES – DIRECT MEASURES The assessment process used to measure attainment of CLO’s is described as under: The assessment process uses both direct and indirect measures to measure the attainment of each outcome. The examples of such measures are given below: Direct Measures Student Assignments Projects Examinations In-direct measures: CLO Surveys To assess each course, we use CLO’s defined for that course. For example in Course A, we defined four CLO’s (LO1 to LO4) that need to be met to successfully achieve that outcome at a minimum target performance level for a course. In each course, we assess the level of achievement of each course outcome. The data are then combined to analyze and evaluate the program level achievement of each program outcome. If any student outcomes are not met, action is taken for improvement. In the section below, the assessment of course Inorganic Chemistry (PCY102) using CLO 1 is explained as an example. For example, at the course level, CLO1 reads CLO 1: Chemistry of main group elements, and synthesis and properties of few main group compounds. Attainment Assessment Process The step by step process for assessing CLO’s is tabulated below. Step-by-step process for assessing Student Outcomes Step 1: The Program coordinator analyses each course by breaking down into course learning outcomes and weightage and rating scale has been defined for each course. In addition, well designed surveys were used to assess each outcome. Step 2: For each outcome define performance indicators (Assessment criteria) and their targets. Step 3: The module coordinators collects the qualitative and quantitative data and is used for outcome assessment in a continual process. Step 4: The Program Assessment Committee analyzes the collected data. If the assessed data meets the targeted performance value specified in step 2, the outcome is attained. Step 5: The Department of Academic Affairs Committee recommends content delivery methods/course outcomes/ curriculum improvements as needed. In case the targeted performance for some outcome is not met, a corrective action plan is put in place which serves as a feedback to the process for continuous improvement. The procedure followed at the course level is depicted in the following flowchart diagram