study presents a framework for the development of educators’ digital competence
in Europe. It aims to help Member States in their efforts to promote the
digital competence of their citizens and boost innovation in education. The
framework is intended to support national, regional and local efforts in
fostering educators’ digital competence, by offering a common frame of
reference, with a common language and logic.
JRC research on
Learning and Skills for the Digital Era started in 2005. The aim was to provide
evidence-based policy support to the European Commission on harnessing the
potential of digital technologies to encourage innovation in education and
training practices; improve access to lifelong learning; and impart the new
(digital) skills and competences needed for employment, personal development
and social inclusion. More than 20 major studies have been undertaken on these
issues, resulting in more than 120 different publications.
work on capacity building for the digital transformation of education and
learning, and for the changing requirements for skills and competences has
focussed on the development of digital competence frameworks for citizens
(DigComp), educational organisations (DigCompOrg) and consumers
(DigCompConsumers). A framework for opening-up Higher Education Institutions
(OpenEdu) was also published in 2016, along with a competence framework for
entrepreneurship (EntreComp). Some of these frameworks are accompanied by
(self-)assessment instruments. Additional research has been undertaken on
Learning Analytics, MOOCs (MOOCKnowledge, MOOCs4inclusion), Computational
thinking (Computhink) and policies for the integration and innovative use of
digital technologies in education (DigEduPol). A study on blockchain for
education is also underway.
information on all these studies can be found on the JRC Science hub:
Deputy Head of Unit
DG JRC Unit Human Capital and Employment
European Commission